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10 Bestselling Books About Landscaping You Should Read

September 17, 2021by Market1n Digital0

Find important information here that will help you with your landscaping skills. Get in touch with nature!

The integration of humans with nature in urban environments is becoming increasingly important.

The design of open spaces, both public and private, is the specialty of landscape architects.

They are experts in giving sensibility, aesthetics and functionality to gardens, parks and waterfronts.

Those topics are appreciated in the books about landscaping.

In short, find in this list books that can help you take your landscaping abilities to a new level.


1 – The New Shade Garden: Creating a Lush Oasis in the Age of Climate Change. From the Best Books on Landscaping

Cover of the book showing the title in the middle and several plants behind the title all over the cover. One of the best Books About Landscaping

The authoroffers a comprehensive new guide to climate-conscious gardening—beautifully illustrated with 400 photos.

There is a new generation of gardeners who are planting gardens not only for their visual beauty but also for their ability to reduce carbon dioxide.

Above all, Ken Druse provides expert advice on creating a shade garden with an emphasis on the adjustments necessary for our changing climate.

Druse examines common problems facing today’s gardeners, from the deer situation to watering plants without stressing limited resources.

Detailing all aspects of the gardening process, The New Shade Garden covers basic topics.

For examploe: designing your own garden, pruning trees, preparing soil, and the vast array of flowers and greenery that grow best in the shade.

In conclusion, perfect for new and seasoned gardeners alike, this manual provides all the information you need to start your own shade garden.


2 – Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms

Cover of the book showing the title above and several mushrooms behind the title all over the cover.

A detailed and comprehensive guide for growing and using gourmet and medicinal mushrooms commercially or at home.

“Absolutely the best book in the world on how to grow diverse and delicious mushrooms.”—David Arora, author of Mushrooms Demystified

With precise growth parameters for thirty-one mushroom species, this bible of mushroom cultivation includes gardening tips, state-of-the-art production techniques, realistic advice for laboratory and growing room construction, tasty mushroom recipes, and an invaluable troubleshooting guide.

More than 500 photographs, illustrations, and charts clearly identify each stage of cultivation.

Furthermore, twenty-four-page color insert spotlights the intense beauty of various mushroom species.

Whether you’re an ecologist, a chef, a forager, a pharmacologist, a commercial grower, or a home gardener—this indispensable handbook will get you started.

In conclusion, one of the most original Books About Landscaping.


3 – The Magical World of Moss Gardening

Cover of the book showing the title in the middle and several plants behind the title all over the cover. One of the great Books About Landscaping

“This is a fascinating books for anyone wanting to truly broaden the range of plants they grow.” —Gardens Illustrated

Moss is an extraordinary plant—it grows without roots, flowers, or stems. Despite being overlooked, in many ways, moss is perfect.

In The Magical World of Moss Gardening, bryophyte expert Annie Martin reveals how moss can be used in stunning, eco-friendly spaces.

Additionally, the beautifully illustrated guide includes basics on designing and planting a moss garden.


4 – New Naturalism: Designing and Planting a Resilient, Ecologically Vibrant Home Garden. From the great Books About Landscaping

Cover of the book showing the title in the middle and several plants behind the title all over the cover. From the great Books About Landscaping

Through a basic introduction to plant biology and ecology, you’ll learn how to design and grow a lush, thriving home garden by harnessing the power of plant layers and palettes defined by nature, not humans.

The next generation of home landscapes don’t consist of plants in a row, pruned to perfection and reliant on pesticides, fertilizers, and herbicides to survive. Instead, today’s stunning landscapes convey nature’s inherent beauty.

These gardens are imbued with romance and emotion, yet they have so much more to offer than their gorgeous aesthetics.

Naturalistic garden designs contribute to positive environmental change by increasing biodiversity, providing a refuge for wildlife, and reconnecting humans to nature.

As a result, new Naturalism approaches the planting beds around our homes as ecological systems.

Furthermore, if properly designed and planted, these areas can support positive environmental change, increase plant and animal diversity.

And they do it all while looking beautiful and improving property values.


5 – Lawns into Meadows: Growing a Regenerative Landscape

Book cover showing the title in the middle and various plants and gardening tools behind the title throughout the cover.

Landscape designer Owen Wormser explains how to replace the deadscape we call lawn with low-maintenance, eco-friendly meadows.

In a world where lawns have wreaked havoc on our natural ecosystems, meadows offer a compelling solution. It is garden landscaping that is beautiful, all year round.

Meadows establish wildlife and pollinator habitats, are low-maintenance and low-cost, have a built-in resilience that helps them weather climate extremes, and can draw down and store far more carbon dioxide than any manicured lawn.

He also includes tips on building support in neighborhoods where a tidy lawn is the standard, and how to become a meadow activist.

Wormser draws on his own stories, including how growing up off the grid in northern Maine, with no electricity or plumbing, prepared him for his work. From the coolest Books About Landscaping.

“This focused and easy to read book is full of useful and practical information. It contains advice on how best to prep, plant and maintain meadows, along with a list of tools you’ll need, and even guidance on how to become a meadow activist.”―Permaculture Institute


6 – Planting: A New Perspective

Cover of the book showing the title in the middle and several plants behind the title all over the cover.

“Indispensable.” —The New York Times Book Review

Piet Oudolf’s gardens—unique combinations of long-lived perennials and woody plants that are rich in texture and sophisticated in color—are breathtaking and have deep emotional resonance.

Certainly, with Planting, designers can recreate these plant-rich, beautiful gardens that support biodiversity and nourish the human spirit.

An intimate knowledge of plants is essential to the success of modern landscape design, and Planting shares Oudolf’s considerable understanding of plant ecology, explaining how plants behave in different situations, what goes on underground, and which species make good neighbors.

Extensive plant charts and planting plans will help you choose plants for their structure, color, and texture.

In conclusion, a detailed directory shares details like each plant’s life expectancy, the persistence of its seedheads, and its propensity to self-seed.


7 – The Layered Garden: Design Lessons for Year-Round Beauty from Brandywine Cottage. This is one of the most interesting Books About Landscaping.

Cover of the book showing the title in the middle and several plants behind the title all over the cover. One of the most informative books on landscaping.

“Gardenmaking, in its finest form, is a celebration of life and of love. David and his book epitomize this.” —Lauren Springer

Brandywine Cottage is David Culp’s beloved two-acre Pennsylvania garden.

There, he mastered the design technique of layering—interplanting many different species in the same area so that as one plant passes its peak, another takes over.

The result is a nonstop parade of color that begins with a tapestry of heirloom daffodils and hellebores in spring and ends with a jewel-like blend of Asian wildflowers at the onset of winter.

The Layered Garden shows you how to recreate Culp’s majestic display.

To illustrate how layering works, Culp takes you on a personal tour through each part of his celebrated garden.

Finally, the book culminates with a chapter dedicated to signature plants for all four seasons.


8 – Planting the Natural Garden

Cover of the book showing the title in the middle and several plants behind the title all over the cover.

The original publication ushered in a revolution in landscape design: the New Perennial Movement.

Now this classic has been expanded and updated to include scores of new plants and combinations.

Packed with practical information and visual inspiration, this book zeroes in on the New Perennial Movement’s power to move us.

A book for enthusiasts of these vibrant landscapes, it is an essential text.

Finally, for gardeners who love the dreamy moods and colors that Oudolf and Gerritsen celebrate, it’s the key to a magic kingdom of garden beauty.


9 – Midwest Home Landscaping, 3rd Edition. One of the most interesting Books About Landscaping

Cover of the book showing the title in the middle and several plants behind the title all over the cover. One of the coolest books about landscaping.

Discover inspiring ideas to make your Midwest home landscape more attractive and functional!

Midwest Home Landscaping, 3rd Edition shows you how to beautify common landscape situations—Midwest-style!

Inside, you’ll find a collection of inspiring ideas for making your home landscape more attractive and functional.

The 46 featured designs were created by professionals and use plants that thrive in the Midwest and south-central Canada.

The book describes each plant in full detail, as well as how to install and care for them.

Included are instructions for walkways, borders, patios, ponds, and arbors, gardening techniques, and easy-to-follow plans.

furthermore, over 450 full-color photos, drawings, and paintings are complemented by easy step-by-step instructions.

Finally, with Midwest Home Landscaping, your landscape will be in full bloom!


10 – Perennial Combinations. From the coolest Books About Landscaping.

Cover of the book showing the title in the middle and several plants behind the title all over the cover. One of the most interesting books about landscaping.

Perennial Combinations features plant medleys that bring color, texture, and excitement to the garden in every season.

The book features 130 of the best perennial combinations with photographs of each grouping, along with a numbered photo key and plant list.

Each grouping features just two to six plants.

Gardeners can plant the combinations as they appear for small garden spaces.

They can also repeat or mix the combinations for large beds and landscapes.

Backyard gardeners will find the best choices to accent wide open spaces and marry slopes and high foundations.

Furthermore, make an impact on the landscape with impressive and showy plants.

From tall plumes to bold foliage, many of these plant combinations create a living privacy screen and offer a bounty of bloom.

Finally, plant cultivar names have been updated throughout the book so gardeners can choose perennials that are readily available at local nurseries.


Photo by JOSHUA COLEMAN on Unsplash

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